Renju Puzzles#

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All puzzles are generated by scripts using real tournament games available on RenjuNet. Very complicated puzzles are not listed.

题目来自真实比赛对局, 使用数据库棋谱生成.

This is a minimum viable product. Feedback is welcome.


Find VCTs, using Renju rules with black having forbidden moves (黑有禁手).

For answers, use interactive board web apps with AI or VCT solver linked under each puzzle. The source game link is also provided.

答案见每题底下贴的工具, 来源对局也有链接.


Copy and paste the position code to use Gomocalc.

使用 Gomocalc 时需要复制粘贴局面代码.



A simple VCT for white. If you investigate the source game, you will know it is probably the black 9 that leads to the loss.


Puzzles are classified by opening rules and tournaments. Click the following links to get started.

习题根据开局规则和比赛分类. 点击下面链接进入习题.


Inspired by large chess platforms such as lichess and, which have been generating puzzles from user games for years, I attempted to do the similar for renju enthusiasts.

Classic puzzles crafted by experts are well-designed with intricate traps. Real game VCTs may not be that tricky, but offer practical drills, and the opportunity to analyze the game to see how the position is reached.
